French Poem: Le Cancre (J. Pr茅vert) with translation and video

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French Poem: Le Cancre (J. Pr茅vert) with translation and video

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Ilini Follow Learn French. Live France. French Poem: Le Cancre (J. Pr茅vert) with translation and video

January 26, 2019 1 min read

Photo by Doisneau - Illustration of French poem "Le Cancre"

“Le Cancre” (1945) is a French poem learned at school by generations of pupils. Its simplicity and musical rythm are typical of what made Pr茅vert’s poetry both accessible and popular. They also make a great read for French learners!

You will find the original poem in French and its English translation below. We have added a video clip (on a reading by late French singer Serge Reggiani) and a French pupil’s recitation of the poem to accompany your own reading.

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Video Audio Text

Le Cancre

Il dit non avec la t锚temais il dit oui avec le coeuril dit oui 脿 ce qu’il aimeil dit non au professeuril est debouton le questionneet tous les probl猫mes sont pos茅ssoudain le fou rire le prendet il efface toutles chiffres et les motsles dates et les nomsles phrases et les pi猫geset malgr茅 les menaces du ma卯tresous les hu茅es des enfants prodigesavec des craies de toutes les couleurssur le tableau noir du malheuril dessine le visage du bonheur.

The Dunce

He says no with his headbut he says yes with his hearthe says yes to what be loveshe says no to the teacherhe standshe is questionedand all the problems are posedsudden mad laughter seizes himand he erases allthe words and figuresnames and datessentences and snaresand despite the teacher’s threatsto the jeers of infant prodigieswith chalk of every coloron the blackboard of misfortunehe draws the face of happiness

Translation: Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Author French poet Jacques Pr茅vert

Jacques Pr茅vert

Born on 4 February, 1900 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Jacques Pr茅vert is one of the most popular and prolific French poets. The artist joined the surrealists in 1925 and became a true symbol of France in the world. Until his death in 1977, he wrote poems, novels, scripts and songs.

Header photo by Robert Doisneau.

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